Thursday, February 16, 2012

Santorum Shows The Uncanny Inability to Not Hate On Detroit.

In some ways I pity Romney and Santorum as they writhe around in Michigan trying to shoehorn their ideologies into the real world.

As GM scores a RECORD BREAKING year of profits (7.6 billion dollars), as they dish out $7000 bonuses to their workers, as they continue to hire, as manufacturing rebounds nationwide, the Republican presidential candidates are compelled by some uncanny force to stick to their guns. They're incapable of saying what nearly everybody here in Michigan knows; The auto bailout saved American Manufacturing and the State of Michigan from falling off a cliff.

Romney is sinking in Michigan with the anchor of "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" wrapped around his neck while folks at RedState are scratch their heads wondering why...I mean...he was BORN in Detroit, right? Right? His father was our Governor. Of COURSE Michigan would love the guy. Except that he made the fatal mistake of being a dumbass, calling for cutting American Manufacturing loose. They don't seem to grasp the really super simple notion that people, even the Conservative people, in Michigan didn't much like the notion of letting the State's dominant industry collapse

Presented with this political death trap, one would think Santorum would just keep his mouth shut about the auto industry. Or at best get all Ari-Fleisher post modernist weird on the reporters until they get bored or confused or walk away.

But no...

Here comes that uncanny inability to not hate on Detroit and anything Obama Has Done:

"Romney supported a bailout for Wall Street and not the bailout of Detroit," Santorum said during a speech at the Cobo Center. "My position is the government should not be involved in bailouts period."


Santorum said that if he was in the Senate at the time he would not have supported bailing out the auto industry, agreeing that the companies could have survived without the intervention.


"Having government involved sets a dangerous precedent," he said. "I actually blame President Bush more than I blame President Obama. He was just following suit. President Bush set the precedent and it was the wrong precedent."

So you can clearly see how Santorum is drawing a distinction between himself and Romney on this issue. See, Romnyy would have just let the Domestic Auto Manufacturers drop dead, while SANTORUM would have let the Domestic Auto Manufacturers drop dead.


Even with potential electoral victory in his grasp, Santorum just CAN'T keep from hating on Detroit for a measly two weeks.

Ya know? Romney may end up squeeking this one out, after all.

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