Friday, November 13, 2009

Small Victories on Keeping Green Jobs in the US


There's traction on the Keeping Green Jobs in the US front, thanks to Senator Stabenow, Congressman Dave Camp, and Senators Menendez and Bennet and a bill offering tax credits to businesses that create solar cells here in the United States. " They estimate that the tax credits in this legislation will generate 315,000 new domestic jobs. "

Are US Solar Jobs Here To Stay? Senators Fight for a Yes.

Stabenow, Camp Announce BiPartisan Solar Manufacturing Jobs Creation Act

And don't forget senator Senator Schumer who has been calling to deny Stimulus money to the Texas wind farm that's sending most of the manufacturing to China, and he's pushing for review and oversight of how Federal stimulus funds are spent:

Schumer Calls for Review as Millions in Stimulus Funds Aid Foreign Firms

Keeping green jobs in the US with conditional offerings is a must for both jobs, and to retain popular support for a green economy and alternative energy. People are starting to make noise about this issue, and our representatives are hearing us.

For some background on this issue, please see my articles on the DailyKos

2000 More Green Jobs Sent to China


Already Offshoring Our Green Manufacturing Revolution